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KFM Radio Interview

 I'll be chatting to Celine Garvey on her show Artyfacts at around 9pm tonight on KFM (97.6 fm & 97.3fm) - talking about the Hennessy Literary Awards and reading a short extract from my novel The Herbalist. (My reading of Kitty will be replayed this coming Sat morning at around ten a.m.)


Old Kitty said...

Oh you star!!! Wonderful! Take care

Brigid O'Connor said...

That's great Niamh and good P.R. for your novel:)

Words A Day said...

thanks Kitty:)

Words A Day said...

or bad pr...depending on how I read it:)

Padraigh said...

Hi Niamh,
Just saw your poem "kitty" in the Irish Independant - weekend review. And I loved it. I am wondering where one would start to publish ones poetry and would I need to copy right it first. I'm from near Athy too, and would appreciate any help thanks..


Mari G said...

Hi Niamh
I sadly missed your Artyfacts interview on Friday night...& despite trying for a podcast on the website, I couldn't see anything for the programme. If you get a chance to insert a link with it (presuming Celine sends you a recording) I would love to hear it...especially your reading of "The Herbalist"
Well done on all your must be beautifully hectic right now!

Words A Day said...

Thanks, glad you liked the poem:) You dont need to copyright before you publish as far as I know, and if you are thinking of publishing your poetry there are some great magazines around - The SHop, The Stinging Fly, Boyne Berries, The Moth, Southword, Crannog...I posted a blogpost listing the irish magazines and Taniawrites has a blogpsot of uk and irish, so if you google either you should get some results. And good luck:)

Words A Day said...

Mari G
I had another interview this morning and I've linked it in the previous post, I'll email Celine to see about the Artyfacts one, thanks for the interest Mari:)
ps Hectic but brilliant!

Sarah B said...

Hi Niamh.
Loved your reading of Kitty this morning. Inspired by your success and previous words of encouragement entered a flash fiction! Too late for your insightful critique but in case you have time....
We were lucky to get you when we did now fame is recognising your talent!Long may it continue.

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...