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My copy of ROPES arrived in the post today, there's still nothing like getting something the old fashioned way. I can't wait to read it tonight, well done on the ROPES team, its a beautiful production. I've a story in there somewhere called Saving Grace. Isn't the cover design gorgeous? It's by Claire O Brien, you can check out more of her images here. ROPES is a literary journal produced annually by the members of the MA in Literature and Publishing class at NUI Galway, you can find out more Here.


Old Kitty said...

That is a lovely cover - provocative and stunning!!

Congrats with your story being in this fine journal too! Yay!

Take care

Brigid O'Connor said...

Beautiful cover, Niamh. Well done with your story:)

Words A Day said...

Old Kitty & Brigid
Thanks, its a beautiful journal and a great read too:)

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