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Her Kind U.S.A.

                                    AVAILABLE TO READ NOW...  Barnes and Noble Kobo  THE FIRST IRISH WITCH TRIAL Her Kind is based on the first witchcraft trial in Ireland and the British Isles. It was a landmark case and one close to my heart, as I grew up hearing tales of Alice Kyteler, the 'witch of Kilkenny.'  It's often called The Sorcery Trial of Alice Kyteler. Of course, like most tales it was far more complicated and shocking than the myth surrounding it. I went on to spend many years researching the case, walking the streets and lanes of Kilkenny City, and following in the steps of a woman far less mentioned in relation to the story, who is actually the most central - Petronilla de Media.  A beautiful UK edition was published by Penguin in 2019, and went on to be nominated for the EU Prize for Literature. I am so happy that a new revised edition of Her Kind is now available for US readers, and to be able to hand her over to you. So, it's back to the

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