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Irish Writers' Centre Novel Fair Competition

The 20 winners of the Irish Writers' Centre Novel Fair Competition have been announced. The Centre received over 570 entries.

I'm delighted (understatement!) to say that my novel, The Herbalist, is one of the winning novels. Looking forward to the Novel Fair in March where there will be the opportunity to pitch it to Irish agents and publishers.

Winners Novel Titles
Margaret Biessman Freefall
Helen Blackhurt The Galah Birds
Therese Cox Dear Dirty Dublin
Jennifer Brady What Ghost Burns
Ian Flitcroft The Reluctant Cannibals
Daniel Seery The Glue Sniffer
Kevin Curran Beatsploitation
Mary Murphy The Boy from England
Janet Cameron Next Time the World Ends
Garvan Grant A Piece of Work
Michelle Woods Ire
Susan Stairs The Watching Wall
Delia O'Callaghan Honeysuckle to Handcuffs
Geraldine Shears Shakespeare's Tree
Fran Russell Banks A Spider's Quickness
Edel Moloney What is Unspoken
Alan Timmins The Dogs Came Home
Niamh Boyce The Herbalist
Marie Hannigan Tide Riders
Roderick Maguire The Legal Term

Highly Commended

Novel Titles

Colm O' Shea This Dirty Road

Josephine Hughes Southpaw

Jennifer MacGowan Closing Time

Deirdre Shanahan Birds of Erin

Edel Corrigan Always a Stranger

Andrea Carter Treacherous Strand

Eimear Kelly Followers

Donal O' Sullivan And The Drak Falling

Tara Sparling In June

Léan Ní Chuilleanáin The Living

Tom Tierney The Slipstream O

Brain Kirk Winter Journey

Alan McMonagle Duck Street

H.D. Waterstone Eagle in Winter

Aine Tierney Panacea


Brian Kirk said...

Congratulations Niamh! Just missed the cut myself, ah well.

Words A Day said...

Thanks a million Brian:)
And congrats on the highly commended.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Congrats, Niamh. I love the title of your novel.
Wishing you lots of luck with it! I recognize a few names in the list.
Congrats to all the shortlistees and the highly commended, I wish I had entered, maybe next time I'll get my act together.
What a huge achievement for you:)

Words A Day said...

Thanks Brigid:) Do enter next year! Its a good incentive - its great to have a deadline.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic achievement. Well done and good luck for the next phase.

Words A Day said...

Thanks - I'm very curious as to exactly what way the next phase goes. I'm sure we'll be told soon enough!

Deborah said...

WOW ... how exciting!!!
A big Congratulations to you! :o)

AquaMarina said...

well done and congratulations - great work!! good luck with the next stage - sounds very exciting!!

Michael Farry said...

Wow! Well done Niamh and good luck with the rest of the process!!

Old Kitty said...


I'm so so so so happy for you!! Oh wow!! Wowowoowowooowoowow!!! You GO GIRRRRL!!! Oh soooooooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!


Take care

Órfhlaith Foyle said...

Congratulations Niamh! Very best of luck for you and 'The Herbalist.'

Louise said...

OMG - I am so delighted for you. Fingers crossed all the way to March. That is such a fantastic achievement. And congrats to Brian Kirk too for doing so well. I admire both your writings immensely. xx and well done again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Niamh! Great start to the New Year. Best of luck with it.

Titus said...

Mega-yay for you! And the very best of luck with the pitching bit.

Ann said...

YAY Niamh. Clapping loudly!!! Congratulations....... Hope you are popping bottles of bubbles.

Fingers and toes crossed for the pitch and a Novena or two. Well it can't hurt, Right?

Mari G said...

Well done, Niamh. Is it appropriate to ask for a little synopsis of "The Herbalist" or is that under wraps?
Loads of good luck with next phase!

Faith Pray said...

Yippee, Niamh! Happy, happy, and hooray to you, worthy wordsmith!

Jan Morrison said...

What wonderful news! I'm so delighted for you. May you sail through the next phase with your usual aplomb! xx00

Emerging Writer said...

That's excellent. Yours is the only name I recognise on the shortlist.

Group 8 said...

Fantastic, Niamh!! Well done!

Words A Day said...

Thanks a million for the comments:)

I know, mine is the only name I recognise too! Looking forward to meeting everyone else though.

As for a synopsis mari, I don't know if I can or not? Maybe I should check with the IWC but I suppose there's no reason why not:)
but just for now I'll say its... TORRID :)

Mary said...

Congratulations Niamh! Very well done and a great achievement. Good on you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Niamh - impressive! And well done Brian Kirk :o)

Niamh B said...

wowowow Niamh!! That's brilliant news, can't wait to see it on a shelf near me soon!

Anonymous said...

Niamh congrats.Chris Delaney

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