I just received my copy of Boyne Berries 10, and it's an absolutely beautifully produced edition, with poems, prose, photographs and original art work. My poem was a retelling of the myth of Oisin and Niamh, from Niamhs pov. And the art on the facing page by Elena Duff is stunning, here's a peek ...
By Elena Duff
Elena's webpage is HERE and you can purchase a copy of Boyne Berries 10 Here (it's national poetry day after all:)
Congratulations Niamh - looking forward to reading your poem and I have always loved the Niamh and Oisin myth. From her point of view - that's cool. Elena Duff's art is something else. Marvellous and edgy.
Oh Niamh that book is beautiful. I will be purchasing it before the end of the day. I am soooo very anxious to read your poem. I love those Irish myths!!!! Will feature the book and your poem on my blog on Monday too.
Congratulations Niamh - looking forward to reading your poem and I have always loved the Niamh and Oisin myth. From her point of view - that's cool.
Elena Duff's art is something else. Marvellous and edgy.
Congratulations, Niamh, well done. Such a beautiful illustration too.
Happy National Poetry Day!!
Take care
And Peter Fallon mentioned a previous piece of yours in his introduction at the launch. But you weren't there and I was heartbroken.
Congratulations, Niamh. That is stunning artwork. I look forward to visiting Elena's website.
Thankyou, and I know isnt the art exquisite?
Thanks, nice to see you back:)
Old Kitty
Back at you, hope you'd a poetic thursday:)
I was heart broken myself.
its amazing, and after reading your short stories - I'd say you'll love her website and the art she has created there.
Congratulations! I'm glad you have a poem included. I'd love to read a whole book of your poems.
That picture is amazing. That's how I used to feel when I let my hair be curly and grow long.
Oh Niamh that book is beautiful. I will be purchasing it before the end of the day. I am soooo very anxious to read your poem. I love those Irish myths!!!! Will feature the book and your poem on my blog on Monday too.
Thanks, maybe one day you will:) Here's hoping!
Thats great Ann, thanks:)
Gorgeous pic Niamh. Now where is my Christmas list ...
Gorgeous art work by Elena. Congrats to you!
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