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How To Write A Novel

What more can I say? See you in a few weeks:)


Brigid O'Connor said...

Love the picture, I'm just wondering how I'd get the coffee and jam dodgers in, maybe it has attachments?
Happy isolated writing, it works though to take a blog break. See you on the other side.

Words A Day said...

No worries Brigid!

Have a closer look...see the front yokie? Well, that's for tipped cigerettes, biscuits and burbon...

and there's also a slit over the eyes so your husband and children can see your eyes crease into a grateful smile as they top you up with the refreshment of your choice... :)

Old Kitty said...

May I have one in pink please with pretty flowers attached!??! Thank you!! LOL!

Awwwww good luck with your writing - see you sooon! Take care

Theresa Milstein said...

Good luck writing. Will miss you!

Ann said...

Great picture Niamh. Hope the writing is going well. Look forward to hearing all about it.

Louise said...

I think I might need to get one of them masks - are they on special offer anywhere?

Ann Grenier said...

Yes, Niamh, this is what scares me...not sold on it yet...waiting to the last minute. Good luck!

Mary said...

Great picture ...well done on your recent poetry publication .. belated congrats ...only getting round to doing my blog visits and catching up ... oh and good luck with the novel too!

Aguilar Elliot said...

awesome, where can i get one of those isolators?

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...