A new venture for one of the most delicious of literary magazines. The Moth Series will be launched this Friday 7th October ( in the Moth office, Second Floor Studios, The Former See House, Kilmore, Cavan) There will be readings from 7.30 onwards. It should be a great night. All are welcome, so if you're lucky enough to be nearby, do drop in :)
'They are dinky little books you can slip into your back pocket or handbag. 10cm high and 32 pages long.'
Beautifully put together. And a bargain at 4 Euro each inc P&P. You can order them online here.
Who wouldn't love one? Or four?
The aim of the series is to present new work by up and coming writers and selected work from already established writers from Ireland and abroad. The first four titles in the series are Some Poems by Kate Dempsey , Dermot Healy, Ted McCarthy and CiarĂ¡n O’Rourke. Kate is also the author of the Emerging Writer Blog, where she provides, for free, and daily, the most comprehensive and consistent updates on writing opportunities, competitions, magazines, publications, you name it...anything you need to know, that's the place to go.
'They are dinky little books you can slip into your back pocket or handbag. 10cm high and 32 pages long.'
Beautifully put together. And a bargain at 4 Euro each inc P&P. You can order them online here.
Who wouldn't love one? Or four?
Such a great idea, Niamh and the books look beautiful. And really well done by Kate who also has a novel available which I downloaded.
I agree Kate's site is invaluable and I now have a first draft screenplay written which I wouldn't have done if I hadn't spotted a course on Kate's site. Wishing all the poets in this series great success!
I know arent they beautiful? Wonder if The Moth are taking submissions for more?
4 euro!! That's a bargain for such talent!! Take care x
Thanks. I'm blushing here. It's good to know that something comes out of the things I blog about. Do let me know about your successes (and any failures) as a result of something you've seen there.
I am excited about the dinky books. Still haven't seen one.
Kate is a great poet she has poems in the first two issues of The Poetry Bus and the forthcoming PB3 which has a special secret (for the moment)guest and the usual ecclectic mix of talented poets and artists and a FREE CD. The future is bright, the futures on a bus.http://thepoetrybus.blogspot.com/
Old Kitty
It is a bairgain, isnt it.
The price of a pint.
Am compliling that list of failures kate! That blog of yours spawned a submission monster:)
The Poetry Bus
Sounds brilliant...Poems and a special secret guest AND a free cd! You spoil us Mister Bus:)
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