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Croi Anu

Belated Happy New Year! Hope your writing resolutions are going well, if you need a kickstart, here's a date for your creative diaries :)

On Sat 7th of February I'll be facilitating a workshop in Croi Anu, Moone, Co Kildare from 2 - 5pm. Its the only workshop I'll be teaching in the forseeable future (too much of my own writing to get through) so I'm really looking forward to it.

The session is suitable for all kinds of writers, from complete beginners to those already working on novels, or short stories. All you need to bring is a pen and notebook, and a snack to keep you going. Tea and coffee are provided. Places are limited. There are more details on Croi Anu's Website

For anyone with work ready to send out, here's a few links of interest...
A great post from poet Jo Bell's Blog on submitting to literary journals, ...
If your looking for ideas on where to submit - there's also Duotrope

1 comment:

Jan Morrison said...

Thanks a bazillion for the Jo Bell link! Wowza - simple and straightforward. I think I can handle that. Sorry I haven't been around much - life exploding in good ways!

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...