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Longlisted for The IMPAC

The Longlist for the 2015 International IMPAC Literary award has been announced...142 books on the longlist were nominated by libraries in 114 cities and 39 countries worldwide. 49 titles on the longlist are books in translation, spanning 16 languages and 29 are first novels. in this, the 20th year of the award we are delighted that five Irish books have made the longlist... (And my novel The Herbalist is one of them!)
Mary Morrissy, Donal Ryan and myself
The Irish authors long listed are

* The Herbalist by Niamh Boyce, nominated by Galway County Library, Ireland.
* The Guts by Roddy Doyle, nominated by Liverpool City Libraries, UK.
* TransAtlantic by Colum McCann, nominated by Halifax Public Libraries, Canada; Dublin City Public Libraries, Ireland; Waterford City & County Libraries, Ireland; Liverpool City Libraries, UK; New Hampshire State Libraries, Concord, USA; The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, USA.
* The Rising of Bella Casey by Mary Morrissy, nominated by Cork City Libraries and Dublin City Public Libraries, Ireland.
* The Thing About December by Donal Ryan, nominated by Limerick City Library, Ireland.

Well done to all the nominees, it's a great end to 2014 for me, a big thank you Galway County libraries for the nomination! There were 37 American novels, 9 Canadian, 9 Australian, 4 from New Zealand and 19 Uk novels nominated this year. And if you want ideas for books to buy this Christmas- the longlist, (which is very long) can be read HERE


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Congratulations, Niamh! What a fabulous honor for you and your book. The Herbalist is on my list of books to read. I can't wait to get to it.

Michael Farry said...

Well done! You are in great company and well deserve it!

Words A Day said...

thanks Karen and Micheal :)

Brigid O'Connor said...

Well done, Niamh, that's a fantastic achievement.
Wishing you and yours a fab Christmas:)

Theresa Milstein said...

Congratulations on making the longlist. I'm so glad your book is still getting coverage. Well deserved!

Happy New Year.

Niamh B said...

Hiya, overheard someone giving back the herbalist in the library today, the woman had a great chat with the librarian about it as they both loved it - scary they thought, and they thought he was a right "weirdo".

I was inches away from saying I knew you on the internet!!!

Words A Day said...

Thanks a million, sorry about the delay in commenting, been hibernating & writing :)

Would love to have overheard that conversation Niamh B, you should of said, we're the last of the bloggers, puttering along... :)

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