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Poetry Pamphlet Competition

Here's a reminder of a wee poetry competition (as if you haven't enough to do!)  Its for a chapbook and the prize is publication (author gets 40 copies). I don't enter many, or any lately, of the competitions I post about, but I like the sound of this one, and hopefully it will help me to reorder and weed my poetry collection. Its run by UK publishers Pighog Press & The Poetry School, and the deadline 31st January.

A maximum of 10 poems should be submitted. Poems should be typed on single sides of A4. Each submission should be no more than 300 lines in total. You can find out more - HERE

‘Pamphlets reflect the art and craft of compression. A pamphlet may be small, but it should be beautifully formed - each poem must deserve its place, because it has been lovingly crafted, with something important to say. I love pamphlets that have a sure sense of themselves, a necessity, an urgency. I like to be surprised, seduced, shaken out of my comfort zone.’ - Catherine Smith (judge)

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