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The Temple Of Isis

with Donagh

Having a great bank holiday weekend, combining writing research and fun, these photos are from The Temple Of Isis in Huntington Castle, Co Carlow. Happy Bank holiday Weekend :)


Old Kitty said...

The temple of Isis where!?! What?!! How utterly fabulous!!! And what's all this talk about bank holidays?!?! LOL!

Have a brilliant time lovely Niamh and is that little Boyce? Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!

Take care

dolorah said...

Those were beautiful. Enjoy the holiday :)


Unknown said...

Mad place. Used to have their wedding ceremony booklet... or something... (don't ask!)

Mari G said...

Great photos Niamh - you are certainly doing your bit for Failte Ireland - looks like the castle's worth a visit!
Lovely photo of you and Darragh too.
Just want to say how much I enjoyed 'The Herbalist' and am trying at moment to put up review on Amazon (there's something going on with my password so I'm waiting)

Words A Day said...

@Old Kitty - in Carlow - a goddess temple not far from where I live - who knew?:)

@Thanks Donna :)

I have to ask... tell me more :)

@Mari G
Glad you liked it mari & I really appreciate you putting a review up on Amazon, it makes a huge difference, thank you:)

My Online Quill said...

There's a goddess temple not far from where you (and I!!) live?? What the feck??

Words A Day said...

@Online Quill
You should visit it Cathriona - I'd love to hear what you think:)

Totalfeckineejit said...

Looks really interesting Niamh!

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