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Lunch Time Reading

Janet Cameron

I'll be reading at The Irish Writers Centre  alongside Janet Cameron on Sat 31st August at 1pm.
Its at lunchtime, its free and everyone's welcome.

'Join us at the Centre for another Lunchtime Reading. This afternoon we have two new writers who's debut novels have both been met with a great deal of fanfare. Niamh and Janet secured book deals following the Centre's inaugural Novel Fair competition.

Both writers will read from their work and muse on the challenges facing new writers - in particular how one sets about promoting their own work.'


dolorah said...

Good luck Niamh!


Jan Morrison said...

this sounds so great - you reading your utterly fantastic novel and a Bluenoser joining you! Ask her what I mean ...
Wish I could be there!

Words A Day said...

thanks Donna!

I'll ask her Jan:)

Stephanie@Fairday's Blog said...

Congratulations! This sounds like such fun. Wish I lived closer so I could go. :) Best of luck~

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