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The Three Question Blog Tour - Stop Five

I'm over at writer Shauna Gilligan's blog today where she asks me some fascinating questions about writing my novel The Herbalist.

Shauna is the author of Happiness Comes From Nowhere, she has been published widely and she has read from her work and  presented on writing at conferences in Europe and the USA.

Here's just one of the questions Shauna asked me...

Writer Vanessa Gebbie asked me this question in relation to my novel and I think it’s a wonderful thing to ask: if you could have a painting of one scene from the novel which would you pick and why? And who would you have create it?

You can read my answer, and the full interview by clicking Here


Old Kitty said...

I do like the image of the girl in the pale blue dress on her way to what she thinks is eternal love and happiness!!!

Your book is in my backpack to read on my commute to work!! LOL!! Can't wait to get to the image above!! Take care

Words A Day said...

Hope you're enjoying your commute read :)Looking forward to your questons!

Theresa Milstein said...

Ooo, I want to see your answer. On my way!

james claffey said...

ah, good stuff. shauna's great, too!

shaunag said...

Thanks to Niamh for giving such considered answers to the questions - I really enjoyed our exchange.

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...