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Where to send your writing...

I enjoyed one of the nicest evenings I've had in a long time, reading at Alice's Restaurant in Naas last week, its such a magical space and the audience were warm and friendly. I read my story The Everyday Woman, three extracts from The Herbalist and poetry. Preparing your work for a public reading is a great way to see if its flowing, a great way to edit. I'm polishing the final draft of The Herbalist and am hoarse from reading the whole book out loud, for me, there's no other way to see if something works. Anyway! I met some fellow writers afterwards, who were asking where to send their poems, so....

  • For Irish Literary Magazines click Here
  • For a Worldwide Magazines try Duptrope.
  • The Irish Writers Centre list of magazines and journals here
  • Poetry Ireland on getting published, here
  • And provide a list of literary agents, here
  • And for Short Story competitions/journals try Thresholds


New Irish Writing accept submissions all year round -
Stories should not exceed 2,000 words. Up to six poems may be submitted. There is no entry fee.
Entries (with stamped addressed envelope) to Ciaran Carty, New Irish Writing, The Irish Independent 27-32 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, along with name, phone number and email address (where available).
Stories and poems may also be emailed to

And good luck:)


    Deirdre McClay said...

    Hi Niamh,
    congratulations on all your writing successes. Another good source of magazine and competition information is the Threshold website under Deadlines on their homepage at
    I've only discovered it recently myself.

    dolorah said...

    Glad the reading went well :) awesome of you to share.


    Lydia said...

    You amaze me! Would so love to sit at one of those tables and listen to your readings.

    Words A Day said...

    Thanks Deirdre! And many thanks for the Threshold link, I've added it to the post:)

    Liza said...

    I recently read my current project out loud twice. What a help! Cough, cough!

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