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The Galway Review Wants You

Here's a call for submission from The Galway Review for their print anthology coming out in January 2013. This printed and bound work will be the  first print venture for The Galway Review -

To submit simply send poemsreviewsshort stories, or journals with ‘Anthology Submission’ in the subject field. Please send your writings within the body of the email and attach the photographs as jpegs. We can’t wait to see your work! Please keep your submissions clear and sharp. 

Remember  that:
  • readers who lack your particular background, may need a simple and clear context;
  • the writings ought to make sense to readers anywhere in the world, not just to your own self.
If you want to bounce an idea off the editor before you write it up, then please do. Just get in touch, we at The Galway Review would be happy to help! 

Our deadline is December 1st 2012 – that gives you loads of time.

By supporting The Galway Review you are supporting creativity. We provide a platform for showcasing incredibly talented writers and photographers in Galway.


Old Kitty said...

Thanks for the heads up! I love the submission guidelines - esp "writings ought to make sense to readers.. not just your own self"! Amen to that! Take care

Theresa Milstein said...

Thanks for the info!

I agree, like the guidelines.

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

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