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At Alice's Restaurant...

I'll be reading some poems, extracts from The Herbalist,and maybe even a story, at a fringe event of The Kildare Readers Festival. The readings will be interspersed with music and songs from the floor. And all this is happening at Alice's Restaurant in Naas. Home made refreshments will be served prior to the event. Many thanks to the Kildare Readers Festival and Bean an Ti Eileen for inviting me! All are welcome:)

Date: Thursday 11th October
Time: 20.00
Venue: Alice's Restaurant, Moat Mall, Naas.
Admission: Free but  booking is essential. 
To Book: or box office 045 448327 or email:

The Kildare Readers Festival has an amazing line up as usual, including writers such as Ann Egan, Colin Bateman, Colm Liddy, Martina Reilly, Paul Howard, Joseph O Connor, Dermot Bolger and Paul Durcan. And all events are free as air:)

Here's a wonderful clip of the uber wonderful
 Maria Doyle Kennedy in Alice's Restaurant... 


Old Kitty said...

What a lovely haunting song and beautiful singer!! Wow!

Well I hope you'll be posting a clip of you reading excerpts from your book and poetry!!!!

Wonderful! Take care

Mari G said...

Of all the events in the Reader's festival this is the one I would have loved to attend, to hear you read from your fabulous writings
but can't due to study committments. (Also, tried to get up to Newbridge Silver for your workshop, Niamh, but couldn't)
The very best with it & hopefully I will catch you on your next outing.

Words A Day said...

old kitty
She's fab isnt she? Dont know if there'll be any clips though:)

Mari G
Thanks Mari, good luck with your studies, and thanks for the lovely comment:)

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