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Mslexia Novel Competition

Mslexia is a magazine for women who write. The competition is open to children's novels in any genre by previously unpublished women novelists, but it must be for children whoare able to read for themselves or for young adults. Crossover fiction(i.e. that aimed at children and adults) is eligible. Nonfiction, andfiction intended for adults is not eligible. To qualify as a novel,your book must total at least 30,000 words." ...and by the way the first prize is £5,000
Judging Panel:
Malorie Blackman, award-winning children's author.
Julia Churchill, literary agent specialising in children's books for Greenhouse Literary Agency
Julia Eccleshare, children's books editor at the Guardian newspaper.
Closing date: 10 September 2012

  • Being shortlisted will put your novel at the top of any agent’s or editor’s in tray
  • We guarantee an anonymous reading, so your book will be judged on thesame basis as those by ‘a friend of a friend of the editor’
  • We will work with the future publisher of the winning entry to chronicle the book’s progress in the magazine and on our website 12 shortlisted authors will be invited to a networking event and introduced to a specially invited group of literary agents
  • £5,000 – need we say more?

Click Here for more info, and good luck!

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