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I told you it was addictive...

A Goldilocks inspired Scribble. Mother bear's thinking, "it's not fair, porridge never put me to sleep..."


dolorah said...

Cute. Loved your rainy day poem too.


Faith Pray said...

This one is even more playful. Darling!

Louise said...

Okay Words A Day, walk away from the laptop NOW, this could turn serious, I know these things, I have an ongoing problem with solitare! I keep trying to beat myself!! But loving the drawing!

Old Kitty said...


:-) Take care

Words A Day said...

Thanks everyone for your comments!
ps Socks
I don't have a problem, I don't, I can stop anytime I want....:)!!!

Ann said...

Never put me to sleep either!! Fun!

Theresa Milstein said...

Such a cute sketch. I like that you're including drawings lately.

Áine Tierney said...

fun post Niamh!

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