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Got a link to a drawing site called Scribbler, from the wonderful Various Blog. It's great fun. A bit addictive... or maybe that's just me! This is my masterpiece...! Beak Lady. She is mid transformation hence the wonkiness...well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)


Jan Morrison said...

I love her and is it my imagination (as if) or is there another woman's face emerging from the back of her neck?
love it and am going to go over and give it a whirl...
Jan Morrison

Louise said...

It's fantastic!

Words A Day said...

I see it now! It was intentional, of course!:)

Thanks, its a great site!

Faith Pray said...

This looks really fun! I may have to give it a try. I love the spontaneity of this one.

Niamh B said...

Love it!! was hoping someone would post what they got from it, the brilliant thing is it's so fast too!! (and easy)

Old Kitty said...

You are too amazing!! Stop being so amazing!! LOL!!

Take care

Theresa Milstein said...

This has an Escher feel to it.

Kjersten said...

Sounds fun! I want to check it out. Thanks for posting.

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