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The Book Of Tom

So I've been working on this book, a memory book.

It was compiled by me, but the contributors are mostly friends and relatives who cared about Tom English. We published it ourselves through It was surprisingly easy. The book is pocket sized, and contains poems, stories, tales, blessings.

Tom was many things, among them -a musician, a rebel- rouser -and my uncle. He died last October and I guess this is how I'm commemorating him.

I carry the book in my bag -  there are plenty of blank pages in there - because there's always more to say.


Old Kitty said...

Awwww love the blank pages ready for more memories! And what a man!
Take care


olivia said...

Tom would be so proud x

Gwendy said...


I remember Tommy well from my time in the Avenue. He was always a giant of a gentleman. I'm very sorry to hear that he passed away.


Words A Day said...

Thanks everyone, Old Kitty, Oliv and Cormac for your lovely comments :)

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