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Radio Play

Susan Sontag
Hello out there - the PJ O Connor awards for drama are open for submission, they're looking for a radio play  (40 minutes) - closing date is 17th March. You can find out more HERE where they set out the rules and very informative guidelines of interest for anyone writing a radio play - whether you enter or not. I'd say enter - it's one of the few competitions left (along with The XO Hennessy New Irish Writing Award) that is free to enter. Forgive the scarcity of posts recently, I'm scavenging for writing time, between the kids, the job and the other jobs... I've had to cut out social media. I do it every now and again (I've been blogging since 2009) and my productivity always increases (massively!).

Hope you're all getting some time to write :)

1 comment:

Old Kitty said...

Lovely Niamh!Thanks for posting this competition and good luck to all entering!

And ALL THE BEST with your writing - am eager to read your next masterpiece (mistresspiece, darn it!! Hah!) cos you're that rare thing these days - not a trilogy/or a sequel - but a brand new spanking story!!! How exciting!! Take care

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