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Writing Space

Woodie Allen's writing desk

Constraints can often be good for creative work. I was becoming obsessed with finding a better writing space this year, one where I can switch into the world of my new novel. (One where I can't see my bloody sink!) And since a new corner or cranny didn't miraculously appear ( surprise, surprise!) I decided to hop in the car once a week and go write where the story is set. Those hours writing in the setting have jump started a vital connection and injected vibrancy into the writing. Place is very important to me when I write -  it provides the tone, atmosphere, the voice of a book (as opposed to the characters, the voices in the book). So it all worked out well, in the end, so far, you know what I mean.... I'm not ready to give up drooling over other people's writing spaces  yet though! Isn't Woodie Allen's just gorgeous, and quite ... grandmotherly, prim, queen bee-ish? There are more rooms HERE, not all as lovely as Woodie's.... 

And, Mslexia's short story competition is now open for entries.... 


A competition for unpublished short stories of up to 2,200 words. We accept work on all subjects, so write about anything and everything you fancy - we love to read it.

Deadline is 17th March, and the judge is Jane Rogers.

You can find out more HERE...
Good luck if you enter :)

'My own experience is that once a story has been written, one has to cross out the beginning and the end. It is there that we authors do most of our lying.'
- Anton Chekhov


Emily said...

Ah the disappointment!! Thought you were going to say you unearthed a little piece of heaven in your sitting room :-) GOOD LUCK with the novel x

Words A Day said...

lol! doesnt mean I wont emily, someday :) Even if its hobbit sized!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I LOVE looking at peoples' writing spaces. Woody Allen's seems very stiff and business-like. Not sure I could get much done there. I like to curl up. (Glad you commented on my blog, Niamh. I had not followed you with my new url yet, but now done!)

Words A Day said...

Its straightbacked all right Karen! but I lust after it all the same :)

dolorah said...

Cute comes to mind for that setting :) Good to know you have a compromise to your space problem.


Brigid O'Connor said...

That is a lovely room, Niamh.

My ideal space would be in a little old style caravan at the back of a garden surrounded by apple trees. For the moment I'm also stuck with the kitchen, unfortunately:)

Words A Day said...

Thanks Donna :)

Sounds lovely - if I'd a caravan like that they'd never get me out of it Brigid :)

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