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Writing Radio Drama

Old Gaol, Thomastown, Co Kilenny

Corridor & Cells

View from inside a cell in the old gaol

view from outside cell

View of the old gaol from an upstairs window

Liz writing in the old court room

I just completed a Radio Drama Writing Workshop in The Sessions House Arts Centre, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, with Gillian Grattan, and it was amazing - we each wrote our own play for radio but I'm too wrecked to say much more than that :) These photos show the old Bridewell Gaol and Courthouse, and if you don't get inspired there, you won't get inspired anywhere.... there is another weekend workshop on the 19th/20th of October (25 euro per person) - and Mary tells me there are a few places left... 
For more information contact Mary 087 682 8904.


Old Kitty said...

Wrecked in an utterly fabulously writerly and creative and artistic way I hope!

:-) Take care

Haddock said...

Wonder why it is called RADIO drama?

dolorah said...

Awesome pics. Looks kinda gothic.


Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...