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Novel Writing Course

 I'm really enjoying reading the chapters sent to me by the participants in next weekends Novel Writing Workshop. Organised by the Irish Writers Centre - it will run over next Sat and Sun, 2/ 3rd of Nov from 10.30-4.30 pm
The workshop will involve close readings your novel in progress. We'll also be covering characterisation, point of view,voice, beginnings and plot. I've devised it for writers who are stuck on some aspect of their novel. And there's still time to sign up - as long as you can email an extract from your novel straight away. For further details click HERE or phone Clodagh at 01 8721302.


Old Kitty said...

Oh wow - you're running a novel writing course! Ooooh will you be doing this again in the future? And if I'm ready and if maybe who know once I get my act together etc, may I join or do I have to be in Ireland! LOL! Seriously though...!!

Take care

Liza said...

Best wishes to all your class participants. I am taking a novel writing course here in the States and it is amazing how much it is helping me!

dolorah said...

sounds fun; wish I could go.


Mari G said...

just voted for you, Niamh. No better way to finish the year than an Irish book award!

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