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The Lady Loves

 The Herbalist is reviewed over at Jennifer Ryan's gorgeous website The Lady Loves Books today, you can read what she thought HERE

The Herbalist spent eight weeks on the Original Fiction Top Ten bestseller list here in Ireland, and has just gone into reprint. It's due to be published in the UK on September 26th (and is also available in Canada.) In the meantime, I'm finishing the first draft of a new novel and trying to write stories, but until the kids are back in school its difficult nigh impossible to get a clear run at things, it would be nice to be more productive but I'll make do with being patient :) Roll on September!


Old Kitty said...

Of course the Herbalist is a bestseller! My goodness I'm still traumatised with the fate of poor Carmel and her pig! :-(

It's a totally fabulous book!! It deserves to go global!! Yay!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!

Take care

Liza said...

Great review! This on my TBR list...I am thinking I'd like to move it closer to the top.

Brian Kirk said...

It all sounds very exciting Niamh! Yea, get those kids back to school quick - that's what I say!

Unknown said...

I can sympathise. Hang in there, just another week.
Well done on The Herbalist. Such a fantastic success. Look forward to seeing you at the Penguin/RTE Guide do on the 13th.

Niamh B said...

genuinely can't wait for the next novel - can the kids go to summer school??? !! :-)

Words A Day said...

@Old (traumatised!) Kitty
Many thanks to poor soft hearted you:)

Words A Day said...

I am thinking thats a good idea:)

Words A Day said...

Hear, Hear!
(Or, is it 'here, here'? :)

Words A Day said...

Thanks Paula - Looking forward to seeing you there, tried to comment on your blog but it wouldnt work for me, wanted to say 'not writing but drowning' :)

Words A Day said...

@Niamh B
Thanks for that, glad to hear it & I wish!

Sheila Killian said...

Hey Niamh - Just got The Herbalist today (had ordered it in the campus bookshop, and was away for a couple of weeks). Have been really looking forward to it since Annaghmakerrig

Hope all's well with you

- Sheila

Words A Day said...

Hope you like it!

I thought of Sis a few times since, hope its going well for you:)

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