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Bossy Post

The deadline for the Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair is October 16th. 

Writers are often overly critical of their own work and keep putting stuff like this off, at least until every sentence is a work of art. If you recognise yourself in that description, just take the plunge and submitt your work! I was pushed to enter in 2012 and it led to meeting the publisher of my debut novel. So, in the spirit of paying that pushiness forward...

Go on, go on ! All they need is a synopsis and 10,000 words! You have nothing to lose. Being selected for the fair means by passing the slush pile and increasing your chances of publication, how bad is that?

I posted an interview with Carrie from the Irish Writers Centre last year-  it can be read  HERE 

And another thing...

NUI Kilkenny Campus (St Kieran's College, Kilkenny)are having an open evening this Thursday 29th from 5.30- 8pm - they run the wonderful Creative Writing For Publication Course, which does exactly what it says on the tin. Its perfect for anyone who wants to take their writing further, with accessible fees and a one weekend-a- month schedule.

Ok. End of broadcast :)

1 comment:

Old Kitty said...

Oh you are convincing!! LOL!! And who could say no to that lovely lady?

GOOD LUCK to everyone entering - glad you did, otherwise I'd not be traumatised by Carmel's fate and her pig. LOL!!! I am so not letting up on this point! LOL!

Take care

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

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