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Show Time!

It's publication week for The Herbalist, so I'll be out and about doing a bit of chin wagging. Just click on the links (in colour) to find out more...  

My interview with Miriam O Callaghan on the John Murray Show can be listened to HERE
My interview on can be read HERE

Good Reviews...
I'm stunned by and grateful for the huge positive response to the book. The Herbalist was named Book Of The Week by Donal O Donaghue in the RTE Guide. Justine Mc Carthy, in the Sunday Times, called it a 'devilishly good debut novel.' Sinead Gleeson described it as 'sharply rendered and full of dark humour' in this Irish Times article.

Good News...
The Herbalist has been announced as the Board Gáis Energy Book Club Book Of The Month, you can find out more here

Next up: Tuesday 11th  - TV- Ireland: A.M. &  6.30pm (live from the launch) - Radio 103

The Blog Tour; is launched today in style by June Caldwell over at the Irish Writers Centre Blog

I'll be stopping at eight different writer's blogs over the coming weeks, and each will be asking me three questions about writing and the novel. I hope you find it interesting and feel free to leave comments or questions. I'll be filling you in on any interviews or readings over the next few days from this blog post, and then I'll be back to blogging as normal.


Unknown said...

Congrats, Niamh.

Anonymous said...

Continued success Niamh. Delighted for you. Maura Barrett

maryhealybooks said...

You're on a roll Niamh, a new name on the book shelf! Looking forward so much to reading it!
Mary Healy

Brigid O'Connor said...

That's brilliant news, Niamh.
Congrats and looking forward to reading it:)

Niamh B said...

Wowee Niamh, that's quite a splash made and the book not even on the shelves yet. Massively impressed and can't wait to read it.

Unknown said...

Excited for you. Hope it all goes well.

niamh said...

Thankyou everyone :)

E.Gilroy said...

Well Done ,Niamh, a wonderful achievement.

Unknown said...

Fantastic stuff. Well done all round! Will be listening in tomorrow morning, and see you at the launch.

rozz lewis said...

Amazing and well done on the Radio 1 interview. Came across v well. Looking forward to reading it.Great tips from you.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention The Irish Times Saturday Review. Also glowing!

Mari G said...

just listened to your interview with Miriam..well done Niamh, great interesting back story for your novel. Look forward to reading!

Pete Goulding said...

Up until now, my claim to fame was that Sid Vicious once told me to F---- off. Now I can tell everyone I know you. Huge congratulations. Looks like its going the paperback version of viral. Will try and catch a reading so I can get an autographed copy. Brilliant!

Niamh B said...

Got my copy today, began reading walking down main street, hooked in already :-)

Words A Day said...

thanks so much! esp to peter for putting me and sid in the same sentence:)

Brian Miller said... wishes on your book...have fun out promoting it...

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...