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A Place Called Perfect

I'll be chatting to talented Helena Duggan soon about her debut novel, but in the meantime, here's a little more about her wonderful debut-   A Place Called Perfect ...
Take a journey into Perfect, a town that is anything but...

Violet Brown didn’t want to live in a place that was perfect. How would she ever survive? She’d have to be neat and tidy, would definitely have to brush her hair. She’d have to be perfect and that was boring.

But when her Dad is offered the best job an optician can get, to fix a strange problem in this odd little town, Violet has to obey. That’s the thing with parents, they only ever did what they wanted!

From the beginning Violet hates her new home, it’s too clean, the people are too friendly, everything is just too nice...

When her Mam begins to act a little strange, her Dad disappears on a mysterious business trip without telling a soul, she almost gets expelled from school for picking up a pencil without permission and starts hearing voices in her head, Violet thinks she’s going mad.

Until one day she meets BOY... 

About the Author

Helena Duggan is a writer and graphic designer living in Kilkenny, Ireland. If you have any questions about Boy or Violet or anything in the whole world, please contact her. She loves talking, never really shuts up actually! These are her websites (that’s for all her design work) (that’s for all her writing stuff)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for that Niamh, just saw it now!

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