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yadda, yadda

Good Monday to you! Isn't life amazingly beautiful now the children are back at school? More time to write, yahoo! I'm re-reading Sylvia Plath's journals so here's an inspiring quote from her.  

“Hurl yourself at goals above your head and bear the lacerations that come when you slip and make a fool of yourself. Try always, as long as you have breath in your body, to take the hard way–and work, work, work to build yourself into a rich, continually evolving entity.”

I like the hurling, not so much the lacerations, but am with her in spirit this September as I'm editing, editing, editing. And at last have a desk to write at! It's nothing like the photo above, not yet. No, think wooden, think tiny:)

I'll be interviewing Louise Phillips on the 9th, until then you can follow her blog tour for her debut novel Red Ribbons Here I've just finished it, its an amazing page turner, with real psychological insight, lyrical writing, wicked pacing and heart.

(Some interesting awards and competitions to hurl ourselves at here: cinnamon press competitions) Happy writing :)


Old Kitty said...

Being ever so feeble I'm going to pad myself first before I start the hurling and the laceration bearing!

Take care

Titus said...

Amen to that (the schools, I mean).

Taken with the Plath, but I fear my hurling hours are getting shorter with each passing year. Oh, to be a continually evolving entity!

Had to persuade Mr T to take the childen swimming on Saturday morning, as had the last quarter of Red Ribbons to go and had to finish it. Page-turner for sure, looking forward to Louise's visit.

Rachel Fenton said...

Good to have some motivational words to fling ourselves at! Thanks for the quote, and the link - I'll check out the comps though I'm stuck head first in the "this is not good enough" mindset right now. Must try harder.

A dinky wooden desk is just the job for me so hope it works wonders for you.

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Oh I love this quote! I'm going to steal it and put it on my website favorite writer quote page.

dolorah said...

Great quote; something I need to do more often.


Niamh B said...

easy for her to say "work, work, work" she didn't have to worry about .... eh... all sorts of things

I'm not in an easy to motivate mood...

But appreciate the thought :-)

Faith Pray said...

I love this quote. I love how passionate, how earnest she is. I wonder if many of us writer and artist types are so blood-on-the-page honest with our passions?

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...