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Fish Short Story Prize 2012

Fish Short Story Prize 2012/13 (€3,000) 

Philip O'Ceallaigh  will select the best ten stories for publication in the 2013 Fish Anthology. He is the author of Notes From a Turkish Whorehouse, and The Pleasant Light of DayClosing Date: 30 November 2012.

Word limit is 5,000. There is no restriction on theme or style, and the prize is open to writers from all countries who are writing in English.
Entry fee is  (a hefty!) €20 for online entry. Once you register and enter online, you can login and check your entry(ies) at any time.

Results will be announced on 17 March on the Fish website, and sent out in the newsletter.

For more info - clickity click - Fish Publishing  

As you can see (big badge on the right!) Words A Day has been shortlisted for Blog Awards Ireland! I've been blogging for nearly three years now, so far thats 36,954 views, 320 posts and 193 followers. 

Blogging has changed quiet a bit over that time, I gush blog less than I did in the beginning and comment less as well, with Facebook taking over in that respect, and writing time being too valuable (sorry!) to post as obsessively frequently. 

But seriously, one of the best aspects of blogging is linking up with writers from all over the world and keeping up to date with their writing journeys without even leaving the house, so many thanks to everyone who follows this blog, to those that I've met through this blog, and to those who nominated it:)


Liza said...

Congrats on making the short list! Every year I blog less. At first, blogging WAS my writing, now it supplements it. It's still a great community.

Old Kitty said...

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS with your shortlist!! I think your amazing looking blog should win for being so utterly unique!! Take care

Words A Day said...

It's a wonderful community, a great way for writers to get in touch, thanks for you comment:)

Old Kitty
Thankyou blogger extrodinaire:)

Theresa Milstein said...

Thanks for the information. I have a couple of short stories, and I'll check if either of them would work.

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