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Writers Circle Readings @ DNA FESTIVAL AT AXIS

"At axis we believe that creativity is in everyone's DNA, so this August we're hosting a free Pop-up arts festival. Discover New Arts (DNA) is perfect for anyone looking to try something new without breaking the budget?Axis is lining up 2 days packed full of FREE classes, workshops and events so that you can DNA (Discover New Arts). So whether you thought about becoming the next Jack B Yeats, Glen Hansard or Michael Flatley… develop your skills and interests on us!" 

Writers Circle Readings
Some technical thingie has cut off the bottom of the poster - but at 6.30 on Friday August 17th there will be a number of readings and a 'Tiny Play' performance by two actors. Axis is at main st, Ballymun.All are welcome:)


Marion O’Neill, originally from Limerick but now living in Kilkenny,  has published three novels : Miss Harrie Elliott (1999), Daddy’s Girl (2001) and Seeforge (2005). Her latest novel ‘All God’s Dead’ is due to be published by New Island in August.

Louise Phillips has been published as part of many anthologies and literary journals. She has been a winner of the Jonathan Swift Award, a winner in the Irish Writers’ Centre Lonely Voice Platform and shortlisted for the Molly Keane Memorial Award and Bridport UK. Louise’s psychological crime novel, Red Ribbons, will be published by Hachette Books Ireland in September 2012, and her second novel, The Doll’s House, will be published in 2013.

Stephen Buck
has produced 16 radio plays, written and directed a play for Red Kettle Theatre Company, was shortlisted for the Francis MacManus Short Story competition and has regularly featured on ‘The Quiet Corner’ on Lyric FM.

Niamh Boyce
was awarded the Hennessy XO New Irish Writer of the Year 2012 for her poem Kitty. She has been shortlisted for the Francis MacManus Short Story competition 2011, the Hennessy Literary Awards 2010, the Molly Keane Award 2010 and the WOW Award 2010. Her fiction and poetry have been published in many literary magazines. Her novel ‘The Herbalist’ will be published by Penguin in 2013.

Darren Donohue
, following an invitation onto the New Playwrights Programme at The Abbey Theatre in 2010, has been shortlisted for a Hennessy Literary Award and has founded Pandora Theatre Company, a professional theatre and outreach company based in Kilkenny. He has written a number of successful full length and Tiny Plays, some of which have recently been performed in The Abbey and the Sean O’Casey theatre, with his tiny play  'Tuesday Evening' selected to run as part of Fishamble’s “Tiny Plays for Ireland” project.

Here's a link to the full poster:)


Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! What a great way to meet you and to get my first edition signed copy of The Herbalist (HINT!) from you! :-)

Awwww but seriously - it all sounds amazing - and it's free!!

Take care

Words A Day said...

hint taken:)

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

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