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Culture Night: Writing Workshop @ The Museum of Style Icons

I'm facilitating a creative writing workshop at the Museum Of Style Icons on Culture Night, September 21st from 7 to 9pm. It should be fun, we'll be drawing inspiration from the clothes and artifacts on exhibition which include Marilyn Monroes pink pucci dress, her evening jacket from The Prince and The Showgirl, and her dotty umbrella in the cheesecake shot above.

There's also clothes worn by Liza Minelli (her Cabaret costume) Gloria Swanson, (Sunset Boulevard), Garbo, Betty Davis. Tippi Hedren, Michael Jackson and The Beatles. All you need is a notebook and pen and a willingness to write! Places are limited so book by contacting Kildare Arts Service at or 045-448328


Niamh Boyce Writes At Newbridge
Silverware Visitor Centre and
Museum of Style Icons

Friday 21st Sept 7–9pm

On Culture Night, join Niamh Boyce, winner of the Hennessy XO New Irish Writer of the Year award 2012, for a creative writing workshop inspired by the Museum of Style Icons. Workshop commences at 7pm. Booking is essential. Contact the art service in advance for Booking. or 045-448328


dolorah said...

Sounds awesome. Props are great for prompt writing.


Old Kitty said...

Oh that pink dress is adorable!! Simple, chic but fun and flirty too!!

Take care

Words A Day said...

@Donna, yes, they should lead to some interesting pieces:)

@Old Kitty
Isnt it lovely? Its also much smaller than I expected:)

Faith Pray said...

Ooh, sounds like a great venue! I wish I was there listening to your intuitive insights.

Louise said...

In Graiguenamanagh - Town of books for festival night - but hope you deliver in deadly pink!!!! L

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