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Launch Of This Years Novel Fair Competition

Gabriele Munter
The Girl With the Red Ribbon
National Gallery Of Ireland

All are welcome to the second Irish Writers Centre Novel Fair Competition which will be launched at 7.30, on Wednesday June 27th: its a great opportunity for anyone who plans to enter the competition as it will involve a question and answer session with the Novel fair organisers.

From The Irish Writers Centre Site...

"The Novel Fair was a new initiative by the Irish Writers’ Centre launched in 2011. It aims to introduce up-and-coming writers to top publishers and literary agents, giving novelists the opportunity to bypass the slush pile, pitch their ideas and place their synopsis and sample chapters directly into the hands of publishers and agents.

Due to the success of the Fair we have decided to run it again in 2013, with an additional prize of a place on a seminar on 'How to Pitch Your Novel' to help the novelists perfect their presentations and material for the day.

The deadline for the competition this year is October 17th and the Novel Fair itself will take place on February 16th, 2013.

This year a judging panel will be asked to select a shortlist of ten successful entries, presented to them anonymously. There is no limitation on style, genre, or target market, the only requirement being that the writer has not published a novel before. Publishers and agents will be invited to come along on the day to the Irish Writers’ Centre and meet the ten selected writers in person. Each writer in attendance will have a stand at the Fair with copies of the synopsis of their novel, the finished novel itself and biographical material."


Áine Tierney said...

Congratulations Niamh - that's fantastic news about your novel The Herbalist. I was long listed last year for the Novel Fair competition- I'd want to start sharpening my pencil if I want to enter this year :-)

Words A Day said...

Thanks Aine! Well done on your longlist last year too, and good luck if you enter this year!

Louise said...

Well done again Niamh - and thanks for the mention:) We all need to support/push each other at times. Looking forward to Wednesday!

Words A Day said...

Thanks Louise, we do for sure! looking forward to seeing you there:)

Old Kitty said...

I just want to read a signed copy (ahem!) of your book! LOL!!

Good luck to all you fab writers entering this competition! Go for it!!

Take care

valerie sirr said...

Congrats about your novel, Niamh. If the stories I read on your blog are anything to go by, it'll be a brilliant read :)

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