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Record Beating Reading

The Irish Writers' Centre is celebrating 25 years since its founding with a world record-beating public reading!

Over 100 writers will participate in a marathon public reading which will commence at 10.00 am on Friday June 15th and finish at 2.00 pm on Saturday, June 16th which is Bloomsday.

If they succeed they will make a Guinness World Record.

It will be launched by Senator David Norris and the readers will include Seamus Heaney.

The readings will continue for 28 hours continuously, and will be open to the public. It will also be live-streamed so they will be reading for the world in every sense.

They can accommodate about five more readings in the middle of the night, so if any writer would like to participate and is happy to read at 3.00 or 4.00 am (when the American Continent will be tuned in) let them know straight away –

So send the title of your book that you would like to read from, and most importantly the ISBN. Only authors reading from their own books are recognised by Guinness World Records...


Old Kitty said...

Oh what a great event!! Yay! Good luck and enjoy!

p.s. love love love your new look blog - these pics are incredible!! Take care

Faith Pray said...

What fun! I hope you get to play along! There are days I wouldn't mind a 24-hour straight read...

sukipoet said...

this sounds fabulous. think of all the wonderful literary energy that will be send out into the univers.

Pete Goulding said...

It'd take me 28 hours to read a couple of my poems! Sounds good fun though!

Jan Morrison said...

Wow! Would I love to be there! We did an all night reading of Ginsberg when he died - Howl. It was so good. I love that sort of thing.

Elliot Grace said...

...I would so very much enjoy taking part in that event!

Glad I stopped by ;)


dolorah said...

Well, I got nothing better to do at 3a :) But sadly, I'm not in country, and only have short stories published. I wish ya'll luck though.


Theresa Milstein said...

That's an amazing idea. What a spotlight for poetry. Are you participating?

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