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Silly Photos of Serious Writers

 Susan Sontag in a bear costume

 Nabakov on the hunt...

Truman Capote at Studio 54

Trumbo...cuts a dash in the bath-
(how did he write like that?All those props to arrange, the ashtray,
coffee, squidgy back thing, that easel...and then what? The water goes cold?

The lovely Colette

Just imagine if they'd had Facebook back in the day!
Drunken late night status updates from Hemingway,
dimly lit photos uploading onto Anais Nins wall
 as she pokes Henry Miller..?

(There are lots more photos at  Flavorwire)


Old Kitty said...

Colette as le chat is wonderful!

Take care

dolorah said...

Hehe, who knows what people do in the so called privacy of their normal lives :)


Martin said...

As soon as I saw the first photo, I was wondering the same thing about Facebook. What would they have made of it all?

Bagman and Butler said...

But of course! How could one remain a serious writer without some kind of silly infrastructure.

Jan Morrison said...

I love it! Especially, for some reason, the Truman Capote one. I've seen lots of crazy pics of Colette and she wouldn't have given a fig if they'd been on facebook!

sukipoet said...

these are great. the only one i've seen before is Colette. thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. it helped me to find yours!

congrats on your two recent awards. i listened to your reading of "Kitty". a moving poem, well said.

Words A Day said...

Old Kitty - It is, isnt it, I'd be a facebook fan if she were still around:)
Donna, I think we know too much nowadays!
Martin, I wonder, a lot of their mystique would be taken away,
Bagman, like the sound of silly infrastructure:)
Jan, I think the Capote one is my favorite too, Nabakov comes a close second.
Suki, thanks for listening, I appreciate that, great blog by the way:)

Theresa Milstein said...

Nice to see famous people less stiff and formal. I recently watched the Capote film. I never would've been able to stomach what he did to write that book. No wonder he's passed out.

Niamh B said...

it's a wonder they ever had time for writing!

Brigid O'Connor said...

They are brilliant Niamh, such a laugh:)
Now, I'd like to see a collection of serious photos of silly writers:)

Unknown said...

I really love these photos. It says so much about the writers.

Mel u said...

Great photos-one day I think people will one day look back on blogs of a lot of emerging writers and study them the way we would if Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield or Joseph Conrad had kept blogs

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