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Novel Fair at Irish Writers Centre

My Table!

There are some photos from the Novel Fair at the Irish Writers' Centre Blog so you can see how it was set up. The photo above is of my table, if you squint you can see the three chapters of the Herbalist, my bio (and my fiendish red notebook.) The day was amazing, well organised, friendly and there was really lovely atmosphere. Pitching your novel to over a dozen agents and publishers in the one day is a great learning experience. Each novelist had a table and a schedule so the agents and publishers moved from one writer to another. We had 15 minutes to pitch to each person. It's the first time a novel fair was run in Ireland, as far as I know, but I hope its not the last. A big thanks to everyone at the Irish Writers Centre:)


Karen Jones Gowen said...

It sounds like a well-organized and helpful event. Glad you got to go and hopefully it becomes an Irish tradition!

Old Kitty said...

I love how you sound so calm!! I'd have fainted by now! LOL! Glad to hear you had a brilliant time! It sounds like speed dating! LOL! Oh I really have all my bendy bits crossed for you! Yay! GOOD LUCK!!!!!

And I love your new pic too - you look so gorgeous - you look like a supermodel!! Take care

Brigid O'Connor said...

It looks great, Niamh.
What an opportunity, fingers crossed for 'The Herbalist':)

Brian said...

It sounds great. Fingers crossed something good will come of it Niamh!

Words A Day said...

I hope so too Karen:)

@Old Kitty
It was a bit like speed dating, I imagine, not that I've ever been...
Sounding calm is one thing, being calm is another!!:) Thanks for the good wishes!

Words A Day said...

Thanks a million, lets hope it works:)

Thanks, I hope so too:)

Ann said...

What a wonderful opportunity Niamh. I hope you hear some positive news very soon.

Geri said...

A brilliant memory and a wonderful event. Great meeting you on the day, Niamh as well as so many other hopefuls. Fingers crossed for us all.

Michelle Moloney King said...

Congratulations, so glad the day went well for you. Do let us know how you get on.

Beir Bua

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