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Irish Literary Magazines

poems, articles, reviews

themed issues

online magazine (pays)
Poems, fiction, reviews

online magazine
poetry, short stories & flash

Fiction, Poetry, Reviews, Images

The SHOp

Poetry and Prose

Back issues available as free pdf downloads.
Poetry and prose.

The Moth
Poetry, short fiction and Art.

Poetry, short fiction and extracts.

The Poetry Bus
Poetry and Illustration
(includes a CD)

The Galway Review
online - reviews, fiction,
 non-fiction, poetry and essays.


Brigid O'Connor said...

Thanks Niamh, they all look really impressive.
Wishing you and yours a lovely Christmas and a 2012 full of writing joy.
It was a pleasure to read your posts in 2011:)

Old Kitty said...

Awww you are a STAR!!! Thanks for the links! I hope Santa gives you all you wish for! Yay! Merry Christmas!! Take care

Robert Guthrie said...

Great list. Words... perfect for Christmas. Thanks!

Pete Goulding said...

Hmm - only managed to get into three of the seven. Must try harder.
How about Poetry Ireland Review and Abridged?

Louise said...

Good idea! Have a brilliant christmas and new year Niamh:)

The Poetry Bus said...


Mike G said...

I edit an online literary journal called thefirstcut; we publish poetry, prose and flash fiction from all over the world. We are at: and our e-mail address for submissions is Submissions for thefirstcut #5 close on December 31st.

Thank you,
Mike Gallagher

Faith Pray said...

Brilliant! I'm excited to check these over! Happy Christmas!

Ann said...

Thank you Niamh, I am delighted to get this list.

I hope your Christmas was filled with happiness and joy. May your New Year bring you all you desire for yourself and your family.

NIamh said...

Thanks everyone:)
Will add PIR and Abridged Peter, thanks.
Mike - will add your online journal too, thanks for commenting:)

Hyde Park Poetry Palace said...


Hope all is well,
Glad to land on your island that showcase fabulous poetry talent, way to go!!!

Welcome join us by submitting a free verse or a poem of your choice today,


Happy New Year!
Bless You.


Theresa Milstein said...

That is a wonderful idea. Next year, I'm going to give book and literary magazines for the holidays. My children and husband often get piles of books from me, and my mother and father get a few, but I don't think to give to extended family.

Fire: Brigid and the Sacred Feminine

  I'm interviewed, along with my co-editor Shauna Gilligan, on the fabulous  Lia Mill's Blog today - Lia asked us about editing the ...