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Call For Submissons

Call for submissions for short story anthology

Kingdoms of Desire: Erotic Tales of Fantasy
– an anthology edited by Mitzi Szereto these lush and timeless landscapes, the battle for flesh can be as important as the battle for power. Intrigue, sorcery, revenge, lawlessness, dark secrets and mysterious elixirs; entanglements with supernatural beings – everything is possible in these magical mythical landscapes.

Word count:
3,000 to 6,000 words.

One-time payment in the range of USD $50-70 (payable on publication) and 2 copies of the anthology

Submission deadline: December 15, 2011

For further info click HERE
And for a review of Mitzi's last anthology, click HERE


Old Kitty said...

Erotic tales of fantasy!!??! Yes please!! Thanks for the link and info!! Take care

dolorah said...

Ooh; interesting. Thanks for the link; I try to write something for this.


Words A Day said...

@Old Kitty
@ Donna
Best of luck with your stories:)

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