The magazine is a journal of poetry and prose, published twice a year (March and September) by the Boyne Writers Group. It's edited by intrepid poet, historian, actor and blogger Michael Farry. This special tenth issue will be launched twice, yes, Twice! - at the Castle Arch Hotel, Trim on Thursday 29 September at 8pm and at Charlie Byrnes Bookshop, Galway, on Friday 30 September 6pm. I hope to get to one of them, here's to hope:)
"... There is no such thing as the sacrosanct first draft, which must under no circumstances be changed, for fear of losing something precious and irrecoverable. Writing is a process, and during that process any number of decisions, conscious or otherwise, are made before a single word is written. There’s no mystery about this. Your initial choices may be instinctive, but they are washed through filters of arrogance, influence, self-censorship, experience, fear, understanding, partiality…the list goes on. "
Is nothing sacred!?