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Writing Spirit Award 2011

This competition has a longer max word count than most - 4,000.

Writing4all is an Irish writing website that runs an Annual Writing Spirit Short Story Competition. This year the judge is Christine Dwyer-Hickey. The contest is open to all nationalities and all genres. The prize-winning stories, along with merited stories will be published in an anthology at the end of the competition.

First Prize: €1000, Second Prize: €200, Third Prize: €100

The contest runs for four rounds throughout the year. The next submission deadline is - 30th September. At the end of each round, the best stories, as chosen by a panel of judges will be shortlisted for the award. €7 per story

Entries may be submitted by post to:

The Writing Spirit Award 2011

Spade Enterprise Centre

North King Street


Dublin 7

Republic of Ireland

Alternatively, you can submit your work by e-mail to

Entries must be pasted into the body of the email; attachments will not be opened. Entries must also clearly have the words "The Writing Spirit Award 2011” in their subject lines to prevent being treated as spam.

For more details click here

Other Short Story Competition Deadlines coming up include The Dromineer on the 19th August & on the 3rd of August, there's Over The Edge

Good luck and have a good weekend:)


Old Kitty said...

Yay for this competition! Thanks for the link too - it's a great prize!!! And lots of time to write a story too. Good luck if you're entering!! Take care

Brigid O'Connor said...

Looks good, Niamh, best of luck if you enter!!

Jan Morrison said...

hmmm...this sounds perfect. Thanks for the notice!

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