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Poetry Manuscript Competition

Cork Literary Review
Poetry Manuscript Competition 2011

The prize includes the publication of a first poetry collection by the winning author and twenty free copies of the book. The overall competition winner and two runners-up will also be featured in Volume XV of the Cork Literary Review. Judge is Jean O Brien winner of the 2010 Arvon Poetry Award.

The purpose of this competition is to publish a full collection of poetry by an emerging poet. In the event that the winning poet is not able to provide the competition with a complete collection, the runner-up will be awarded the prize of a first poetry collection publication.

The closing date for the competition is 5.30pm on the 19th May 2011.

(The entry fee is 25 Euro... I'm saying nothing...)


Karen Jones Gowen said...

I was wondering what the catch is, there's always some fee, like the price of the published book is $40, and I don't know what 25 euros is-- if it were $25 I'd say that's not bad.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Great prize for the winner.
As regards the entry fee, I am saying nothing either.
Good luck if you enter, Niamh.

Ann said...

Is that a bit steep or am I very out of touch with entry fees? Are you entering?

Words A Day said...
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Niamh said...

Think its the same price as The Patrick Kavanagh, and one or two others that escape me, I think its expensive, but I've never run a poetry competition...the fees seem to be going up as the economy goes down...:)

Words A Day said...

Its expensive Karen! Twice the price of most books!

Its a great prize all right but I'm nowhere near a collection ...yet :)...
though if I really MADE the time i.e. sacrificed more housework and sleep time...I'd loved to. If, no when, I get this novel done, I'll write nothing but poetry for a year:)

Unknown said...

Cool contest. I don't write poetry but I think it's a great opportunity.

AquaMarina said...

exciting competition - thanks Niamh, I love last year's winning collection by Shirley - and I had the pleasure of getting to know her and more of her great poems last summer. Jean O'Brien's collection lovely legs is also worth a look
and as for the fee - well I suppose we've got time between now and May to start saving up for it.....

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