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Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor R.I.P

She was beautiful, but I think it's sometimes forgotten
that this woman could really act.

Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.


Anonymous said...

Gosh I remember seeing this years ago. Richard Burton was always one of my favourites - I can't imagine they would have been a couple if she couldn't hold her own with him.

Tess Kincaid said...

Sad news. I had not heard. May she fly high. x

Brigid O'Connor said...

Isn't it sad? She was a great actress and a true beauty.
May she rest in peace. We'll miss that Hollywood glamour, we were discussing her at the school gate and we all agreed, what a life she lived.

Louise said...

Yes, an absolute great actress, and someone who lived a very full and interesting life. I thought she was magnificent in that movie. I watched a programme about her life last year, and it blew me away.

Louise said...

Yes, an absolute great actress, and someone who lived a very full and interesting life. I thought she was magnificent in that movie. I watched a programme about her life last year, and it blew me away.

Anonymous said...

I've just heard the news. So sad. She was an astonishing actress and a great advocate for civil rights.

The last of the legends really.

Old Kitty said...

What a beauty and so talented too!!

Very sad - a genuine glamorous icon and superstar! Take care

Theresa Milstein said...

My mother loves her, so as a child I watched several of her movies. She was beautiful and talented.

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