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A Fairy Tale Magazine

Enchanted Conversation is a nonprofit organization for lovers of fairy tales all over the world. This year's first issue will be published on March 20, 2011. Submissions for issue one opens Feb. 21 at 12 a.m., EST and closes at 11:59 p.m., EST, Feb. 24 .

The first issue theme will be "Rumpelstiltskin." Only stories and poems based on that story or its variants will be accepted. But any aspect or character of "Rumpelstiltskin can be the focus of stories or poems. ONLY 10 works per issue will be chosen. Pays 10 cents per word for stories and a flat $50 for poems.

Subsequent Themes;
Issue Two, poetry only, "Snow White" theme.
Issue Three: "Cinderella" theme.
Issue Four
: "Little Red Riding Hood" theme

Click here for more Submission Details

In the spirit of promoting the magazine, there's a contest for anyone
who tweets or blogs to spread the word over at the Enchanted Conversation site!


Louise said...

Thanks for those details. I wrote a myth last year for a local anthology and I really enjoyed it. Good opportunity to reread some old fairytales either way.

Brigid O'Connor said...

That looks gorgeous, I may take a peek, good luck to anyone who enters.

Old Kitty said...

OH wow!!! A fairy tale magazine!!! Now that is new!! Thank you so much for the info!! I'll certainly check this one out! Thank you!! Take care

Kate W. said...

Thatnks for the post. Your blog is lovely!

Group 8 said...

Oh I do love Rumpelstiltskin - such a nasty little freak!

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