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Croi Anu

I've been lazy all January and I'm proud of it. The trauma of an Irish white christmas needs careful recovery or one could do ones self a great injury! I'm tipping my toe back into the water with a poetry workshop next sat at Croi Anu (who have just has started a blog here!) The centre hosts a diverse range of classes from art, yoga, drama and poetry to creative mentoring and is run by Mary Pat Moloney. I've mentioned this before but its one of the best places I've ever attended workshops so its worth another mention!


Brigid O'Connor said...

Sounds lovely, Niamh. I must go and check out their blog, happy Spring Awakening!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

hope that you have rested well...

Happy Tuesday.

Words A Day said...

Happy almost spring to you too Brigid! We'll soon be daffodil and snowdrop territory!

Pete Goulding said...

Are you giving or participating in the workshop, Niamh?

Niamh said...

Thanks! And Happy Tuesday to you too!

Words A Day said...

Participating...i.e trying not to interrupt!:)

Louise said...

Sounds good. I sense new beginnings, I love Spring!!

Words A Day said...

120 Socks
Me too...especially this year!

Old Kitty said...

What a fab way to recover!!! Enjoy it!! Take care

Al said...

Have a great time.
Interrupt as necessary :-)

Jan Morrison said...

who is saying happy spring in the middle of January? Hmmmm???? Not me. It is cold cold cold here - spring never comes to Nova Scotia anywho. I want to go live in Ireland and write poetry.

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