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Rabbit Hole Day

It's Lewis Carroll's Birthday:
It's Rabbit Hole Day
(Discovered over at Old Kitty 's blog!)
Instead of the normal life and work, write about a strange new world.

Woken at dawn by birds under the bed. OMG! They must've escaped from the wallpaper again. Blue tits are very pretty on upholstery but their droppings still stink. I ate an orange and a thread of yogurt for breakfast. Stuffed.

Was in the car before the babas woke. John stuck his head out the window and howled like a maniac as I drove off. (He should've opened it first.) Must be in one of his moods. I'll get him a bottle of wine, that'll do the trick. He's been a bit teary since he lost his figure..."you can't be fifty forever I say". Does he listen? Not at all, unless I dress up as Doctor Phil. (Must dry clean the toupee.)

The factory was dull as ditch water, we're packing country men today...for some reason they've become popular in eastern Europe. They're not great at sticking to the diet; we had to unpack two because they weighed over the limit. This means they'll be hanging around comparing tan lines for another few days. They're very excited, goddess love them, 3 and 9 were giggling all morning. Smearing gunge on their faces. The make-up runs and smudges during transportation but do they listen?

If I hear - "Do you think she'll like me?" one more time....

More Details at Fairyhedgehog here !


Deborah said...

I loved this! :o)

fairyhedgehog said...

So what do I have to do to order? I want one young, slim, and... No forget it! What I really want is chocolate.

Brigid O'Connor said...

Niamh, I laughed out loud at this, wonderful, can't pick out any lines because it is all mad and great and it inspired me to do mine, such fun, what a lark on Rabbit hole day. It should be Rabbit hole day everyday.

Jan Morrison said...

oh this is brilliant! I might try and join if I can tear myself away from the world that runs to the rabbit hole that is.

Ann said...

What a laugh I had as I read this. Like FHH I would love to know how to order one of them, well not the ones that were over the weight limit that is. I loved the "Must dry clean the toupe" Still smiling at it.

Old Kitty said...

Awww birds from upholstry with stinky poo, silly John and a great factory to work in - I think!! Happy rabbit hole day!! Thank you! Take care

Louise said...

Hilarious, brilliant. What a great name for a day!

Niamh B said...

excellent invented world - would meet with the mad hatter's fullest approval

Jinksy said...

Goodness me! I've just had an email which tells me you've been down a rabbit hole on my blog - all the way back to Cobbled Codswallop!Have you been burrowing all day to get there?! LOL You could always email me direct for more of the same...

Theresa Milstein said...

This was a lot of fun. Very entertaining blogfest indeed.

PJD said...

I dearly loved every word. This would be delightful when read aloud.

Words A Day said...

thnaks for the comments everyone!

Talli Roland said...

Loved the opening paragraph! Yes, I can imagine their droppings stink!

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